Common Injuries Sustained in Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents can leave devastating physical consequences for the victims and their families. If you or a loved one is injured in an accident, it’s important that you speak to an attorney who can explain your option for seeking compensation.

Automobile accidents involving motorcycle accidents are on the increase. As your Providence personal injury lawyer can explain, they can have many causes. Negligent drivers may fail to keep a proper lookout when switching lanes, may drive too close to a rider or cut them off causing devastating consequences. Due to the disparity in size and the nature of motorcycles vs. cars, injuries to motorcycle drivers and riders can be life-threatening with lasting consequences, even death.

A variety of injuries are commonly sustained in motorcycle accidents. If a rider is fortunate enough to survive the initial accident, broken bones, severe burns, closed head injuries, soft tissue injuries and loss of limbs can be quite common. As your Providence personal injury lawyer understands, these types of injuries can disable you or your loved one for the rest of your life. It’s critical to understand how to go about seeking compensation if you’ve been injured.


Seeking Compensation

Your Providence personal injury attorney will carefully review your case. Motorcycle accidents, other personal injury accidents require a showing of negligence by the other party. This means you, the injured party, must prove that the defendant driver failed to meet a standard of care to ensure safety on the road. If the defendant driver’s carelessness caused your accident and injury, you may be entitled to compensation. If the other driver was operating a commercial vehicle, you may be able to file a claim against the owner of that vehicle as well. Your attorney can explain how.

How You Can Help

In the aftermath of an accident, the most important thing you can do is seek appropriate medical attention. Even if your injuries don’t seem severe, symptoms don’t often appear for days or weeks later. Therefore, if your attorney suggests you see a specialist, such as a neurologist for suspected head injury, or bone specialist for breaks, do so. Your injury claim will depend on your ability to prove the extent of your injury and that it was actually caused in the accident. If you have a preexisting injury, this can make getting compensation harder. The focus is on whether the accident exacerbated it.

One of the best things you can do to help yourself is to keep in close contact with your attorney. Return phone calls, compile a list of witnesses, doctors and other record keepers that you’ll need to prove the extent of your injuries and their impact on your daily life. Your attorney can’t deal with problems on your behalf if he or she doesn’t know about them, so don’t hide unfavorable facts.

Obtaining Written Documentation

You’ll need copious documentation of your injury. Save medical bills, receipts, and doctor’s notes. Keep a chart of every trip you make to a doctor or therapist regarding your injury. Keep a daily log of how your injury impacts your daily life. If you claim lost wages or replacement services, keep those paystubs, tax records, and other receipts.

Call today to schedule your consultation at 888-777-PAIN.

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