How to Prevent Dog Bite Attacks at Your Property


Summer in New England means more time for you and your pooch to enjoy warmer temperatures, ample sunshine and overall, longer days. From taking your pet for a walk around the neighborhood to playing fetch in the backyard, dog owners across Massachusetts and Rhode Island look forward to summer months.

By and large, dogs are generally thought to be harmless and friendly creatures. While some breeds are notorious for being more protective of their owners than others, most won’t attack unless there is a good reason to do so. Unfortunately, owners are only able to read their dog’s body language — they aren’t able to understand their thought process or predict the exact moment when a bite will occur. With this in mind, you should make sure to take a few cautionary steps to prevent your furry friend from attacking a stranger this summer.

Electric Fences

If your dog has a tendency to escape from your home, you should really consider installing an electric fence. While electric fences may seem inhumane and cruel for the dog, they can often prevent your dog from running across busy streets. From a personal injury standpoint, electric fences may also save you some legal trouble by restricting your pet to a confined area. Most (not all) pedestrians will not venture into a stranger’s yard especially when an unfamiliar dog is present.

Warning Signs

Another way to prevent an attack at your property is to put up a sign to warn passerbys. We’ve all seen the “Beware of Dog” signs at some point in our lives and there is a reason for that: they are an effective way to give strangers a heads up that a dog is present, limiting the odds of an attack occurring.

Be Mindful of Your Own Behavior

Obviously, if your canine has a tendency to run away, you should be sure to close the doors to your home as often as possible. If there are multiple people who live with you, make sure they do the same. When you are outside with your dog, have a plan in place in the event that your dog wanders off or approaches a pedestrian. Have your dog’s leash and some treats handy in case your dog does take off.

By taking these preventative measures you can spend more time planning your summer vacation and less time dealing with a dog bite attack.


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